Snapshot Hyperspectral Imaging in Video Spectroscopy Literature


Jung, A., Locherer, M., & Darnell, B. Video Spectroscopy meets Artificial Intelligence.
Tags: ULTRIS20, light field technology, video spectroscopy

≤ 2020

Matthew Dale (2020). Spectral Snapping. Imaging and Machine Vision Europe.
Tags: pushbroom alternatives, video spectroscopy, food, agriculture

Chen, L., Dong, C., Chen, D., Li, H., Zhao, Y., Cao, X., & Ma, Z. (2017, October). Mobile Multispectral Video Streaming. In Proceedings of the on Thematic Workshops of ACM Multimedia 2017 (pp. 126-134).
Tags: video spectroscopy, spectral streaming, mobility

Van Rees, E. (2014). Cubert Gmbh. GeoInformatics, 17(1), 28.
Tags: real-time, UAV, video

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